- News
Hiroki Sakuraba, as a member of the study group, contributed to the book titled “Utilization of Creditors’ Petitions” (Business Revi...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka co-authored an article in the March 2025 issue of the Tokyo Bar Association’s monthly magazine “LIBRA“, in the feature &...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “If I do not include my criminal record in the ‘rewards and punishments section’ of my curriculum vit...
Kazuya Ikuta offered a commentary on procedures for the housing dispute resolution at the 2024 Housing Dispute Resolution Committee (for attorneys and...
Asuka Kobayashi gave a lecture titled “Mechanism of Business Management for Start-ups – Contracts and Risk Management” at the School...
Kensuke Shimizu gave a lecture titled “Don’t Miss the Signs of Insolvency: How to Avoid Insolvency, as Explained by Lawyers and Tax Accountants” at th...
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Thinking about the Local Economy” in the “Community and Finance” course at the Department of Community Management, ...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Is it permissible to prohibit people who do not join a community association from using the garbage ...
Kensuke Shimizu gave a lecture titled “Liquidation/Consolidation of Guarantee Obligations Based on the Guidelines for Personal Guarantee Provided by B...
Yumi Nakano gave a seminar presentation titled “Labor Laws You Need to Know Before Working” “How to Deal with Power Harassment and Sexual Harassment” ...
[Okuno & Partners’ 26th Legal Seminar]
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka participated in a panel discussion at the seminar titled “Starting Your Own Business in Tokyo – How to Create Focus Areas” org...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “[Lecture in Conjunction with Class-Specific...
Asuka Kobayashi served as a lecturer at a legal seminar for start-ups held at a support facility for start-ups operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Gove...
Yumi Nakano gave a seminar presentation titled “Actions to be Implemented: New Freelancer Protection Act” at a client company.
Masako Banno spoke at a panel “Appraising unconscious bias”, at the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association(IBA)held in Mexico City, wi...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “My workplace was closed all together due to a typhoon. Will Sunday be a work day instead?”, wh...
Ken Imamura and Asuka Kobayashi served as lecturers at a harassment prevention training for a client based in Kanagawa.
Important Notice: Beware of an e-mail falsely using the name of the firm
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka registered with the Tokyo Labor and Social Security Attorney’s Association as a labor and social security attorney.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a compliance training titled “Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities” for member sto...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “I got off two stations before my stop and walked home, and then I got heatstroke. Is it considered an indu...
Ken Imamura and Asuka Kobayashi served as lecturers at a seminar (webinar) titled “Generative AI and Copyright” for a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a member of the Special Committee on Employment Law, gave a presentation titled “Current Issues and Practical Responses to Equal...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a dispatched lecturer from the Tokyo Bar Association, gave a seminar presentation on labor law at a private university in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a dispatched lecturer from the Tokyo Bar Association, gave a seminar presentation on how to prepare for a part-time job at a pri...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a training titled “Learning from Specific Examples! Key Points in Handling Overtime Pay and Harassment Cases” to lawyers at the...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SME Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “My dog’s photo was used in an advertisement without my permission. Is it possible to stop its use?...
Masako Banno moderated a gender diversity seminar organized by the International Bar Association (IBA), Tokyo Bar Association and Japan Federation of ...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka attended the 21st conference of the Tokyo District Court Labor Department and three bar associations of Tokyo. A summary of their de...
Shigeki Nomura co-authored a book titled “Guidebook with Case Studies on Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities for Counse...
Asuka Kobayashi served as a lecturer at a training on harassment in hospitals held at a university hospital.
Kensuke Shimizu became a partner.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Pigeon damage to a rental apartment: Is the landlord obliged to prevent it?”, which was publis...
Yumi Nakano and Tsuyoshi Yoshioka co-authored a book titled “New Practice Manual for Labor Cases. 6th ed. (Edited by Special Committee on Employ...
Junpei Shikada conducted harassment training for all employees of a client based in Tokyo and Miyagi Prefecture.
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Legal Basic Knowledge of Pre-DIP Financing and DIP Financing” at a governmental financial institution.
Akihiko Kumazawa joined Okuno & Partners.
Okuno & Partners celebrated its 100th anniversary.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Posting a review that says, ‘This restaurant gave us food poisoning.’ Does it constitute defamation?”, whi...
Hiroki Sakuraba held a training on corporate governance and compliance for managers of a client based in Tokyo.
[Okuno & Partners’ 25th Legal Seminar]
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “It is not originally permitted for an employee to request a paid leave due to illness on that day. However...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “[Lecture in conjunction with class-specific...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Wire transfer to the wrong account: How do I get a refund? What if the recipient does not respond to the r...
Asuka Kobayashi served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers titled “SDGs and Legal Affairs”.
Asuka Kobayashi and Mao Ohno held a training on the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law for a client based in Tokyo.
Ryosuke Koike held a compliance training for all directors and officers of a client based in Hokkaido.
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
【Okuno & Partners’ 27th Legal Seminar (for our corporate clients)】
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “Issues Related to Non-Regular Employment an...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “If there was an abuse of decision-making authority in a sudden and drastic reduction in shifts, you may be...
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Yumi Nakano gave a seminar presentation on employment and labor law at a university in Tokyo.
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a webinar at Keio University, titled “Useful Rules for Job Hunting and Work – Legal Professionals (Law...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Your mom friend asked you to pick up and drop off her child, and the child was injured. In this case, ther...
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Yoshihiko Okuno gave a lecture on business restructuring in a dialogue with Koji Fujita at a networking event for cross-industrial business restructur...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Engaging in side work during childcare leave: It is possible but inappropriate to the purpose of the laws....
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Support for Business Restructuring in the Region: from the Standpoints of Regional Financial Institutions and...
Ryosuke Koike served as a member of the special committee established by CASSINA IXC. Ltd. in relation to the tender offer for ordinary shares in CASS...
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Basic Knowledge of Insolvency Law and Restructuring” at a governmental financial institution.
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Support for Business Restructuring in the Region” at a study session of TOHO AREA RESEARCH INSTITUTE...
Hidetomo Omizu and Mao Ohno held a workshop on the Anti-monopoly Law for sales representatives of a client based in Tokyo.
Masako Banno has been appointed to the managing director of the Office of International Affairs at Japan Federation of Bar Associations.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
Kazuya Tokuhashi and Yoshiatsu Matsuoka joined Okuno & Partners.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Video streaming subscription service: You entered a free trial and a few months later found that you were ...
[Okuno & Partners’ 24th Legal Seminar]
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Troubles after purchasing a second-hand apartment: Is the seller obliged to explain the apartment to the b...
Yumi Nakano and Risa Takahashi gave a seminar presentation on antitrust law for employees of member companies at a trade association.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “[Lecture in conjunction with class-specific...
Jumpei Shikada gave a training titled “Concept of Compliance” to NPOs in Tokyo.
Kazuya Ikuta served as a lecturer at the 2022 Practical Training (Tokyo venue and webinar) hosted by the Center for Housing Renovation and Dispute Set...
Risa Takahashi assisted in writing a book titled Judicial Precedents on U.S. Environmental Law, published by Keiso Shobo.
Kazuya Ikuta served as a lecturer at the 2022 Practical Training (Osaka venue) hosted by the Center for Housing Renovation and Dispute Settlement Supp...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Online Defamation Affects Physical and Mental Health: Toughening of Laws Opened the Way for Punishme...
Hidetomo Omizu held a workshop on the Anti-monopoly Law for sales representatives of a client based in Tokyo.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a member of the Special Committee on Employment Law, gave a presentation titled “How to Deal with Labor Issues Arising fro...
Junpei Shikada conducted compliance training for all employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Junpei Shikada conducted harassment training for all employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Asao Masue, as the special contributing author, contributed to a book titled A Reliable Guide to Business Succession, 2022 Edition, published by R-shi...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Childcare service fee is wasted due to the postponement of a home renovation. Can I claim compensation fro...
Masako Banno has been appointed as co-chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Council of the International Bar Association (IBA).
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors of a client based in Tokyo.
Hiroki Sakuraba served as a member of the special committee established by Shin-Keisei Electric Railway Co.,Ltd. in connection with the execution of t...
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “The Challenges and Rewards of Business Restructuring Cases” at a networking event for cross-industrial business res...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka attended the 19th conference of the Tokyo District Court Labor Department and three bar associations of Tokyo. A summary of their de...
Tadashi Kakiuchi served as a member of the “Third-party Committee on Misconduct by the Former Board Members and the Former Chairperson” of...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “The applicable terms and conditions for the maximum fee for parking are stated in small print. Would...
Hideichi Okada joined Okuno & Partners.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “What are the counter-measures for a “tentative reservation” sales talk for rental proper...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a dispatched lecturer from the Tokyo Bar Association, gave a seminar presentation on labor law for job seekers at a private juni...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as the editor-in-chief, authored a book titled Don’t Stumble Here! 21 Methods of Harassment Cases, published by Dai-ichi Hoki.
Ryosuke Koike, Asao Masue, Hiroki Sakuraba, Yumi Nakano, Hidetomo Omizu, Kiminori Tanaka, Takuho Harada, Asuka Kobayashi, and Mao Ohno, as co-authors,...
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Practice of Agreement on Right of Separate Satisfaction in Bankruptcy and Business Restructuring” at ...
Risa Takahashi joined Okuno & Partners.
Hidetomo Omizu and Takuho Harada held a workshop on the Anti-monopoly Law for sales representatives of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a training titled “Talking about the points of handling cases from the standpoint of an employer’s lawyer” to lawyers at ...
Teppei Yamashita joined Okuno & Partners.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “School’s Regular Tests Used as Cramming School Teaching Materials – Are the Copyrights intact?”, whi...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as the editor-in-chief, authored a book titled Don’t Stumble Here! 21 Rules for Lawyers (Newly Revised Edition), published by Dai-i...
Tadashi Kakiuchi served as a member of the Governance Enhancement Committee of Toshiba Corporation, which released the “Investigation Report” on Novem...
[Okuno & Partners’ 23rd Legal Seminar]
Risa Takahashi authored a supplement to a book titled Q&A on the Business Practices of Parent, Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies. Rev. ed., pub...
Shigeki Nomura wrote an article titled “Outline of the Revised Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and Points to Note...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “Fundamentals of Seeking Declaratory Judgmen...
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano and Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a joint presentation titled “Equal Pay for Equal Work from the Perspective of Both Employers and Employee...
Koji Fujita served as a lecturer at a webinar “Identifying the Upcoming Drastic Business Restructuring – Selecting and Organizing Prescriptions –” hos...
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a training titled “Talking about the points of handling cases from the standpoint of an employer’s lawyer” to lawyers at ...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka co-authored the second part of the book titled “Introductory Labor Cases [Dismissal, Overtime Pay, Collective Bargaining and Industr...
Ryuta Igaki gave a seminar presentation titled “Future of the Practice of Law: Will Remote Hearings Become the New Standard in Japanese Courts?” at a ...
Hiroki Sakuraba co-authored a book titled “Q&A Point Arrangement: Amended Companies Act (Edited by Tokyo Bar Association)”, published by Koubundo...
Tadashi Kakiuchi (Former Chief Judge of the Tokyo District Court) joined Okuno & Partners.
Ryosuke Koike gave a seminar presentation titled “Basic Knowledge of Insolvency Law and Restructuring” at a governmental financial institu...
A new program for which Kazuya Ikuta acted as a legal advisor, has been launched on sports streaming service, DAZN.“Yabecchi Stadium”Our firm offers a...
Kazuya Ikuta offered a commentary on judicial precedents (DVD recording) regarding exterior wall tiles for houses and other structures at the 2020 Res...
Kensuke Shimizu and Takuho Harada held a workshop on antitrust law for sales employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Hidetomo Omizu gave a seminar presentation via Teams on antitrust law (cartels) to the employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors and newly-appointed executive officers of a client based in Tokyo.
Ryuta Igaki joined Okuno & Partners.
Hirotaka Komasa, Hidetomo Omizu, Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, and Kiminori Tanaka became partners.
Yumi Nakano gave a webinar presentation via Zoom titled “Traffic Accident Compensation in Practice” to members of the Financial Planner Study Group.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka attended the 17th conference of the Tokyo District Court Labor Department and three bar associations of Tokyo. A summary of their de...
Yumi Nakano and Masako Banno became partners.
Kyohei Okada and Mao Ohno joined Okuno & Partners.
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Management and prevention of corporate scandals in financial industry” at a seminar for officers of securities dea...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “HR legal compliance in financial industry” at a client seminar.
Ken Imamura joined Okuno & Partners.
Masako Banno, vice-secretary general of the Committee on Lawyers’ Gender Diversity of Tokyo Bar Association, authored an article in the August issue o...
Masako Banno has been appointed as an officer of the Diversity Council of International Bar Association (IBA).
Masako Banno gave a presentation titled “Legal Advice on Expanding Business into ASEAN Region with Reference to Case Study” at the outboun...
Masako Banno, the deputy secretary-general of the Center for Lawyers’ Gender Diversity of Tokyo Bar Association, moderated a workshop titled ...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SME Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Masako Banno taught Japanese Securities Law as a lecturer at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy from Septembe...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Female Corporate Executives Leading Changes in Japan” at a seminar about businesswomen’s empowerment and the aging...
Okuno & Partners joined ABL (Alliance of Business Lawyers) to strengthen its outbound international practice, with Masako Banno as a primary cont...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Recent Examples of Legal Troubles in Asian Business” at Asian Business Seminar held by Asia Management Strategy Re...
Masako Banno served as an MC at the welcome reception of LAWASIA Conference Tokyo 2017.
Okuno & Partners was certified as the Support Agency for Business Innovation as of June 30th.
Koji Fujita served as a “Shihandai” (role of commentator) in “Terakoya”, which is a civil rehabilitation seminar that Tokyo Ba...
Shigeki Nomura presented the latest court case concerning the employment of persons with disabilities in the Shoji Homu Portal.
Shigeki Nomura gave a lecture titled “Reasonable Consideration for Students with Disabilities Based on the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against ...
Asao Masue wrote the article titled “Attention with Regard to Succession of Business of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Using M&A”, which was ...
Masako Banno served as a co-producer and co-chief editor for the article, “LAWASIA is Coming to Tokyo! Let’s Explore the World of Internat...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SME Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Masako Banno has been interviewed for an article titled “Japan’s Unique Death Benefit – Country provides compensation to the families of those w...
Eurobiz Japan has published in January 2017 an article about Okuno & Partners titled “International law, samurai spirit“.
Masako Banno has been interviewed for an article titled “Thought Leader – International Labour and Employment Law” in Lawyer Monthly...
Yukiko Endo presented a seminar titled “The compliance training”.
【Okuno & Partners’ 19th Legal Seminar】
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Regulation on Investment Trust in Japan” at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International C...
Masako Banno served as a member of judge panels at LAWASIA International Moot Competition in Colombo, Sri Lanka on August 12 and 13, 2016.
Hiroki Sakuraba presented a seminar titled “Recent Cases of Corporate Scandal and Risk Management”.
Masako Banno made a presentation titled “Adding ‘My Number’ and Data Security to Foreign Direct Investment” at American Chambe...
Masako Banno has been appointed as a member of Japanese Law Translation Council of the Ministry of Justice.
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SMEs Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Hidetomo Omizu and Kensuke Shimizu gave a lecture at the seminar titled “Legal Seminar on Contracts Useful in Business”.
Hiroki Sakuraba authored an article titled “Termination of Agreement on the Right of Separate Satisfaction and Exercise of Mortgage“, in Kinyu Homu Ji...
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Corporate Management and Compliance” at a seminar.
Okuno & Partners was introduced in Lawyers Guide 2016 of Business Law Journal, February 2016 edition, published by LexisNexis.
Koji Fujita authored an article titled “Bankruptcy Law, Annotated” edited by National Network of Insolvency Proceedings Attorneys. Kinzai....
Masako Banno made a presentation titled “My Number – Is my privacy still safeguarded?”, which explains the newly – introduced ...
Hiroki Sakuraba gave a lecture titled “Corporate Quality and Risk Management” at a seminar.
Hiroki Sakuraba co-authored a book titled “Guide to ABL Execution: from loan to collection”, edited by ABL Jitsumu Kenkyukai and Okuno & Partners...
Masako Banno served as a member of judge panels at LAWASIA International Moot Competition in Sydney, Australia on November 6 and 7, 2015.
Ryosuke Koike and Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a lecture titled “Newly-Appointed Director Training” at a seminar.
【Okuno & Partners’ 18th Legal Seminar】
Ryosuke Koike authored an article titled “Significance of Suspension and Modification of Condition” in Kinyu Homu Jijyo (Financial Legal Magazine) No....
Hiroki Sakuraba gave a lecture titled “Key Points in Executing Agreements with Consignors” at a seminar.
Masako Banno, who represented an American client in a petition for return of child, successfully returned the child to the U.S. through a mediated set...
Masako Banno made a presentation titled “Immigration and Taxation Issues on Transnational Employment” at LAWASIA Employment Law Conference...
Masako Banno participated in the panel discussion titled “Remedies of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and the Role of Law in Korea, Japan and...
Asao Masue participated in a panel discussion titled “Business Risk Management in the Super-Aged Society – Case Study of Financial Transactions,...
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Amendment of Companies Act concerning Internal Control System” at a seminar.
Ryosuke Koike gave a series of lectures at a compliance seminar on June 8 and 9, 2015.
Hiroki Sakuraba, who represented the plaintiff in a lawsuit against a life insurance company for a confirmation of non-existence of debts, obtained a ...
Alumni comment of Masako Banno is cited on the website of Global Business Law LL.M. of the University of Washington School of Law.
In the litigation where our law firm represented an education institution seeking for compensation of damages caused by former officers’ imprope...
Koji Fujita participated in a panel discussion at the symposium, held by Bankruptcy Law Section of Tokyo Bar Associations, titled “Bankruptcy and Cont...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SMEs Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
The interview of Yoshihiko Okuno appeared in ATTORNEY’S MAGAZINE Vol.44, published by C&R Legal Agency Co., Ltd., in March 1st 2015.
Asuka Kobayashi joined Okuno & Partners.
Okuno & Partners was introduced in Lawyers Guide 2015 of Business Law Journal, February 2015 edition, published by LexisNexis.
Okuno & Partners was introduced as a full service independent business law firm that has provided legal assistance for nearly one entire century w...
Okuno & Partners was introduced as a law firm with a special focus on corporate restructuring in “Lawyers Guide ~ Specific Specialist editio...
Okuno & Partners hosted a business introductory session for Poland Eastern Construction Cluster delegation, with presentation of “Public-pr...
Hiroki Sakuraba, as a member of the study group, contributed to the book titled “Utilization of Creditors’ Petitions” (Business Revi...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka co-authored an article in the March 2025 issue of the Tokyo Bar Association’s monthly magazine “LIBRA“, in the feature &...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “If I do not include my criminal record in the ‘rewards and punishments section’ of my curriculum vit...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Is it permissible to prohibit people who do not join a community association from using the garbage ...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “My workplace was closed all together due to a typhoon. Will Sunday be a work day instead?”, wh...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “I got off two stations before my stop and walked home, and then I got heatstroke. Is it considered an indu...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “My dog’s photo was used in an advertisement without my permission. Is it possible to stop its use?...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka attended the 21st conference of the Tokyo District Court Labor Department and three bar associations of Tokyo. A summary of their de...
Shigeki Nomura co-authored a book titled “Guidebook with Case Studies on Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities for Counse...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Pigeon damage to a rental apartment: Is the landlord obliged to prevent it?”, which was publis...
Yumi Nakano and Tsuyoshi Yoshioka co-authored a book titled “New Practice Manual for Labor Cases. 6th ed. (Edited by Special Committee on Employ...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Posting a review that says, ‘This restaurant gave us food poisoning.’ Does it constitute defamation?”, whi...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “It is not originally permitted for an employee to request a paid leave due to illness on that day. However...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Wire transfer to the wrong account: How do I get a refund? What if the recipient does not respond to the r...
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “If there was an abuse of decision-making authority in a sudden and drastic reduction in shifts, you may be...
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Your mom friend asked you to pick up and drop off her child, and the child was injured. In this case, ther...
Risa Takahashi co-authored an article titled “Fundamentals of Ownership and Right of Lease of Real Property under U.S. Law: Comparison with Japanese L...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Engaging in side work during childcare leave: It is possible but inappropriate to the purpose of the laws....
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Video streaming subscription service: You entered a free trial and a few months later found that you were ...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Troubles after purchasing a second-hand apartment: Is the seller obliged to explain the apartment to the b...
Risa Takahashi assisted in writing a book titled Judicial Precedents on U.S. Environmental Law, published by Keiso Shobo.
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Online Defamation Affects Physical and Mental Health: Toughening of Laws Opened the Way for Punishme...
Asao Masue, as the special contributing author, contributed to a book titled A Reliable Guide to Business Succession, 2022 Edition, published by R-shi...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “Childcare service fee is wasted due to the postponement of a home renovation. Can I claim compensation fro...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka attended the 19th conference of the Tokyo District Court Labor Department and three bar associations of Tokyo. A summary of their de...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “The applicable terms and conditions for the maximum fee for parking are stated in small print. Would...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “What are the counter-measures for a “tentative reservation” sales talk for rental proper...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as the editor-in-chief, authored a book titled Don’t Stumble Here! 21 Methods of Harassment Cases, published by Dai-ichi Hoki.
Ryosuke Koike, Asao Masue, Hiroki Sakuraba, Yumi Nakano, Hidetomo Omizu, Kiminori Tanaka, Takuho Harada, Asuka Kobayashi, and Mao Ohno, as co-authors,...
Kiminori Tanaka authored an article titled “School’s Regular Tests Used as Cramming School Teaching Materials – Are the Copyrights intact?”, whi...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as the editor-in-chief, authored a book titled Don’t Stumble Here! 21 Rules for Lawyers (Newly Revised Edition), published by Dai-i...
Risa Takahashi authored a supplement to a book titled Q&A on the Business Practices of Parent, Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies. Rev. ed., pub...
Shigeki Nomura wrote an article titled “Outline of the Revised Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and Points to Note...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka co-authored the second part of the book titled “Introductory Labor Cases [Dismissal, Overtime Pay, Collective Bargaining and Industr...
Hiroki Sakuraba co-authored a book titled “Q&A Point Arrangement: Amended Companies Act (Edited by Tokyo Bar Association)”, published by Koubundo...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka attended the 17th conference of the Tokyo District Court Labor Department and three bar associations of Tokyo. A summary of their de...
Masako Banno, vice-secretary general of the Committee on Lawyers’ Gender Diversity of Tokyo Bar Association, authored an article in the August issue o...
Shigeki Nomura presented the latest court case concerning the employment of persons with disabilities in the Shoji Homu Portal.
Asao Masue wrote the article titled “Attention with Regard to Succession of Business of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Using M&A”, which was ...
Masako Banno served as a co-producer and co-chief editor for the article, “LAWASIA is Coming to Tokyo! Let’s Explore the World of Internat...
Masako Banno has been interviewed for an article titled “Japan’s Unique Death Benefit – Country provides compensation to the families of those w...
Eurobiz Japan has published in January 2017 an article about Okuno & Partners titled “International law, samurai spirit“.
Masako Banno has been interviewed for an article titled “Thought Leader – International Labour and Employment Law” in Lawyer Monthly...
Hiroki Sakuraba authored an article titled “Termination of Agreement on the Right of Separate Satisfaction and Exercise of Mortgage“, in Kinyu Homu Ji...
Okuno & Partners was introduced in Lawyers Guide 2016 of Business Law Journal, February 2016 edition, published by LexisNexis.
Koji Fujita authored an article titled “Bankruptcy Law, Annotated” edited by National Network of Insolvency Proceedings Attorneys. Kinzai....
Hiroki Sakuraba co-authored a book titled “Guide to ABL Execution: from loan to collection”, edited by ABL Jitsumu Kenkyukai and Okuno & Partners...
Ryosuke Koike authored an article titled “Significance of Suspension and Modification of Condition” in Kinyu Homu Jijyo (Financial Legal Magazine) No....
Hiroki Sakuraba, who represented the plaintiff in a lawsuit against a life insurance company for a confirmation of non-existence of debts, obtained a ...
The interview of Yoshihiko Okuno appeared in ATTORNEY’S MAGAZINE Vol.44, published by C&R Legal Agency Co., Ltd., in March 1st 2015.
Okuno & Partners was introduced in Lawyers Guide 2015 of Business Law Journal, February 2015 edition, published by LexisNexis.
Okuno & Partners was introduced as a full service independent business law firm that has provided legal assistance for nearly one entire century w...
Okuno & Partners was introduced as a law firm with a special focus on corporate restructuring in “Lawyers Guide ~ Specific Specialist editio...
Kazuya Ikuta offered a commentary on procedures for the housing dispute resolution at the 2024 Housing Dispute Resolution Committee (for attorneys and...
Asuka Kobayashi gave a lecture titled “Mechanism of Business Management for Start-ups – Contracts and Risk Management” at the School...
Kensuke Shimizu gave a lecture titled “Don’t Miss the Signs of Insolvency: How to Avoid Insolvency, as Explained by Lawyers and Tax Accountants” at th...
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Thinking about the Local Economy” in the “Community and Finance” course at the Department of Community Management, ...
Kensuke Shimizu gave a lecture titled “Liquidation/Consolidation of Guarantee Obligations Based on the Guidelines for Personal Guarantee Provided by B...
Yumi Nakano gave a seminar presentation titled “Labor Laws You Need to Know Before Working” “How to Deal with Power Harassment and Sexual Harassment” ...
[Okuno & Partners’ 26th Legal Seminar]
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka participated in a panel discussion at the seminar titled “Starting Your Own Business in Tokyo – How to Create Focus Areas” org...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “[Lecture in Conjunction with Class-Specific...
Asuka Kobayashi served as a lecturer at a legal seminar for start-ups held at a support facility for start-ups operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Gove...
Yumi Nakano gave a seminar presentation titled “Actions to be Implemented: New Freelancer Protection Act” at a client company.
Masako Banno spoke at a panel “Appraising unconscious bias”, at the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association(IBA)held in Mexico City, wi...
Ken Imamura and Asuka Kobayashi served as lecturers at a harassment prevention training for a client based in Kanagawa.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a compliance training titled “Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities” for member sto...
Ken Imamura and Asuka Kobayashi served as lecturers at a seminar (webinar) titled “Generative AI and Copyright” for a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a member of the Special Committee on Employment Law, gave a presentation titled “Current Issues and Practical Responses to Equal...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a dispatched lecturer from the Tokyo Bar Association, gave a seminar presentation on labor law at a private university in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a dispatched lecturer from the Tokyo Bar Association, gave a seminar presentation on how to prepare for a part-time job at a pri...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a training titled “Learning from Specific Examples! Key Points in Handling Overtime Pay and Harassment Cases” to lawyers at the...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SME Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Masako Banno moderated a gender diversity seminar organized by the International Bar Association (IBA), Tokyo Bar Association and Japan Federation of ...
Asuka Kobayashi served as a lecturer at a training on harassment in hospitals held at a university hospital.
Junpei Shikada conducted harassment training for all employees of a client based in Tokyo and Miyagi Prefecture.
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Legal Basic Knowledge of Pre-DIP Financing and DIP Financing” at a governmental financial institution.
Hiroki Sakuraba held a training on corporate governance and compliance for managers of a client based in Tokyo.
[Okuno & Partners’ 25th Legal Seminar]
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “[Lecture in conjunction with class-specific...
Asuka Kobayashi served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers titled “SDGs and Legal Affairs”.
Asuka Kobayashi and Mao Ohno held a training on the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law for a client based in Tokyo.
Ryosuke Koike held a compliance training for all directors and officers of a client based in Hokkaido.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
【Okuno & Partners’ 27th Legal Seminar (for our corporate clients)】
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “Issues Related to Non-Regular Employment an...
Yumi Nakano gave a seminar presentation on employment and labor law at a university in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a webinar at Keio University, titled “Useful Rules for Job Hunting and Work – Legal Professionals (Law...
Yoshihiko Okuno gave a lecture on business restructuring in a dialogue with Koji Fujita at a networking event for cross-industrial business restructur...
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Support for Business Restructuring in the Region: from the Standpoints of Regional Financial Institutions and...
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Basic Knowledge of Insolvency Law and Restructuring” at a governmental financial institution.
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Support for Business Restructuring in the Region” at a study session of TOHO AREA RESEARCH INSTITUTE...
Hidetomo Omizu and Mao Ohno held a workshop on the Anti-monopoly Law for sales representatives of a client based in Tokyo.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
[Okuno & Partners’ 24th Legal Seminar]
Yumi Nakano and Risa Takahashi gave a seminar presentation on antitrust law for employees of member companies at a trade association.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “[Lecture in conjunction with class-specific...
Jumpei Shikada gave a training titled “Concept of Compliance” to NPOs in Tokyo.
Kazuya Ikuta served as a lecturer at the 2022 Practical Training (Tokyo venue and webinar) hosted by the Center for Housing Renovation and Dispute Set...
Kazuya Ikuta served as a lecturer at the 2022 Practical Training (Osaka venue) hosted by the Center for Housing Renovation and Dispute Settlement Supp...
Hidetomo Omizu held a workshop on the Anti-monopoly Law for sales representatives of a client based in Tokyo.
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a member of the Special Committee on Employment Law, gave a presentation titled “How to Deal with Labor Issues Arising fro...
Junpei Shikada conducted compliance training for all employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Junpei Shikada conducted harassment training for all employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors of a client based in Tokyo.
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “The Challenges and Rewards of Business Restructuring Cases” at a networking event for cross-industrial business res...
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, as a dispatched lecturer from the Tokyo Bar Association, gave a seminar presentation on labor law for job seekers at a private juni...
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Practice of Agreement on Right of Separate Satisfaction in Bankruptcy and Business Restructuring” at ...
Hidetomo Omizu and Takuho Harada held a workshop on the Anti-monopoly Law for sales representatives of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a training titled “Talking about the points of handling cases from the standpoint of an employer’s lawyer” to lawyers at ...
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
[Okuno & Partners’ 23rd Legal Seminar]
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka served as a lecturer at a seminar for lawyers held by the Tokyo Bar Association, titled “Fundamentals of Seeking Declaratory Judgmen...
Yukiko Endo served as a lecturer at a webinar “Compliance Training” for member stores of a client based in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano and Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a joint presentation titled “Equal Pay for Equal Work from the Perspective of Both Employers and Employee...
Koji Fujita served as a lecturer at a webinar “Identifying the Upcoming Drastic Business Restructuring – Selecting and Organizing Prescriptions –” hos...
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors of a client based in Tokyo.
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a training titled “Talking about the points of handling cases from the standpoint of an employer’s lawyer” to lawyers at ...
Ryuta Igaki gave a seminar presentation titled “Future of the Practice of Law: Will Remote Hearings Become the New Standard in Japanese Courts?” at a ...
Ryosuke Koike gave a seminar presentation titled “Basic Knowledge of Insolvency Law and Restructuring” at a governmental financial institu...
Kazuya Ikuta offered a commentary on judicial precedents (DVD recording) regarding exterior wall tiles for houses and other structures at the 2020 Res...
Kensuke Shimizu and Takuho Harada held a workshop on antitrust law for sales employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Hidetomo Omizu gave a seminar presentation via Teams on antitrust law (cartels) to the employees of a client based in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano held a compliance training for newly-appointed directors and newly-appointed executive officers of a client based in Tokyo.
Yumi Nakano gave a webinar presentation via Zoom titled “Traffic Accident Compensation in Practice” to members of the Financial Planner Study Group.
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Management and prevention of corporate scandals in financial industry” at a seminar for officers of securities dea...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “HR legal compliance in financial industry” at a client seminar.
Masako Banno gave a presentation titled “Legal Advice on Expanding Business into ASEAN Region with Reference to Case Study” at the outboun...
Masako Banno, the deputy secretary-general of the Center for Lawyers’ Gender Diversity of Tokyo Bar Association, moderated a workshop titled ...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SME Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Masako Banno taught Japanese Securities Law as a lecturer at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy from Septembe...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Female Corporate Executives Leading Changes in Japan” at a seminar about businesswomen’s empowerment and the aging...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Recent Examples of Legal Troubles in Asian Business” at Asian Business Seminar held by Asia Management Strategy Re...
Masako Banno served as an MC at the welcome reception of LAWASIA Conference Tokyo 2017.
Koji Fujita served as a “Shihandai” (role of commentator) in “Terakoya”, which is a civil rehabilitation seminar that Tokyo Ba...
Shigeki Nomura gave a lecture titled “Reasonable Consideration for Students with Disabilities Based on the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against ...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SME Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Yukiko Endo presented a seminar titled “The compliance training”.
【Okuno & Partners’ 19th Legal Seminar】
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Regulation on Investment Trust in Japan” at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International C...
Hiroki Sakuraba presented a seminar titled “Recent Cases of Corporate Scandal and Risk Management”.
Masako Banno made a presentation titled “Adding ‘My Number’ and Data Security to Foreign Direct Investment” at American Chambe...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SMEs Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Hidetomo Omizu and Kensuke Shimizu gave a lecture at the seminar titled “Legal Seminar on Contracts Useful in Business”.
Koji Fujita gave a lecture titled “Corporate Management and Compliance” at a seminar.
Masako Banno made a presentation titled “My Number – Is my privacy still safeguarded?”, which explains the newly – introduced ...
Hiroki Sakuraba gave a lecture titled “Corporate Quality and Risk Management” at a seminar.
Ryosuke Koike and Tsuyoshi Yoshioka gave a lecture titled “Newly-Appointed Director Training” at a seminar.
【Okuno & Partners’ 18th Legal Seminar】
Hiroki Sakuraba gave a lecture titled “Key Points in Executing Agreements with Consignors” at a seminar.
Masako Banno made a presentation titled “Immigration and Taxation Issues on Transnational Employment” at LAWASIA Employment Law Conference...
Masako Banno participated in the panel discussion titled “Remedies of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and the Role of Law in Korea, Japan and...
Asao Masue participated in a panel discussion titled “Business Risk Management in the Super-Aged Society – Case Study of Financial Transactions,...
Ryosuke Koike gave a lecture titled “Amendment of Companies Act concerning Internal Control System” at a seminar.
Ryosuke Koike gave a series of lectures at a compliance seminar on June 8 and 9, 2015.
Koji Fujita participated in a panel discussion at the symposium, held by Bankruptcy Law Section of Tokyo Bar Associations, titled “Bankruptcy and Cont...
Masako Banno gave a lecture titled “Legal Advice for SMEs Expanding Business Overseas in Asian Region” at Tokyo SME University.
Okuno & Partners hosted a business introductory session for Poland Eastern Construction Cluster delegation, with presentation of “Public-pr...